

The most important thing in traveling is good shoes. You will walk a lot on different surfaces: slag, lava, snow, sand, etc. Therefore, you will need different shoes.
  1. For walks and ascents - well-worn trekking boots (such as Gore-tex) on a thick, corrugated sole, fixing the ankle .
  2. In July, we strongly recommend taking rubber boots on a grooved sole for hiking in the snow.
  3. Comfortable shoes for walking around the city.
  4. Rubber slates, comfortable when bathing in thermal pools.
1. The most convenient principle in clothing - "cabbage" or "onion" - consists in combining: ajacket (waterproof Waterproof and a windproof Wind block), a fleece jacket, a vest, a T-shirt.
2. Windproof and waterproof pants and jacket.
3. Gloves will need windproof.
4. Cap.
5. You will often swim in various thermal pools along the way, so do not forget bathing suits, towels .
6. Socks that do not rub or get wet, it is better to buy in specialized stores.
Other necessary things
1. Sunglasses with high eye protection.
2. High order sunburn cream for face and hands from burns in the mountains.
3. Remedy for mosquitoes and midges. We have practically no ticks. Fixed single bites within the city.
4. Personal hygiene products: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.
5. We recommend "hiking" or "flashlights" for walking on snow and slag so that nothing gets into the boots.
6. Trekking sticks. They can be rented (100 rubles per round).
7. Raincoat (optional).
Individual first aid kit
Drugs you need personally.

Backpack 15-20 liters.
In which will be your things when climbing: sandwiches, water, spare things. Bag or suitcase in which baggage will travel.
Flashlight (regular or forehead)
It will be useful at night at the tourist base.